Geo 2.1.0
Released under the Eclipse Public License - v 1.0
Geospatial operations over points, lines, polys, geohashes, etc.
To install, add the following dependency to your project or build file:
[factual/geo "2.1.0"]
Helper functions for identifying and manipulating Coordinate Reference Systems.
Public variables and functions:
Working with geohashes.
Public variables and functions:
- bbox
- bbox-geom
- character-precision
- concentric-square-rings
- degrees-precision-lat-cache
- degrees-precision-long-cache
- eastern-neighbor
- geohash
- geohash-center
- geohash-error
- geohash-max-error
- geohash-midline-area
- geohash-midline-dimensions
- geohashes-intersecting
- geohashes-near
- least-upper-bound-index
- neighbors
- northern-neighbor
- shape->precision
- significant-bits
- southern-neighbor
- square-ring
- string
- subdivide
- subdivide-levels
- western-neighbor
Helper functions for converting JTS geometries to and from various geospatial IO formats (geojson, wkt, wkb).
Public variables and functions:
- feature-list
- geojson-reader
- geojson-writer
- GeoJSONFeatures
- GeoJSONGeometry
- parse-geojson
- properties
- read-geojson
- read-geojson-geometry
- read-wkb
- read-wkb-hex
- read-wkt
- to-ewkb
- to-ewkb-hex
- to-geojson
- to-geojson-feature
- to-geojson-feature-collection
- to-wkb
- to-wkb-hex
- to-wkt
- wkb-reader
- wkb-writer
- wkb-writer-2d-srid
- wkt-reader
- wkt-writer
Wrapper for the locationtech JTS spatial library. Constructors for points, coordinate sequences, rings, polygons, multipolygons, and so on.
Public variables and functions:
- centroid
- coord
- coord-array
- coordinate
- coordinate-sequence
- coordinates
- coords
- default-srid
- envelope
- geom-array
- geometries
- geometry-collection
- get-envelope-internal
- get-factory
- get-srid
- gf
- gf-wgs84
- intersection
- linear-ring
- linear-ring-array
- linear-ring-wkt
- linestring
- linestring-wkt
- multi-polygon
- multi-polygon-wkt
- pm
- point
- point-n
- polygon
- polygon-array
- polygon-wkt
- polygons
- same-coords?
- same-geom?
- same-srid?
- segment-at-idx
- set-srid
- subdivide
- transform-geom
- wkt->coords-array
Polygon operations: primarily intersection testing, point-contains, polygon->edges, bounding boxes, normal vectors, linear coordinates, bisections, box intersections, bounded-space partitioning, and so on.
Public variables and functions:
- bisect-region
- bounded-space-partition
- box-contains?
- boxes-intersect?
- degenerate?
- dist²
- dot
- edge-intersection
- edges->region
- edges-intersect?
- line-contains?
- line-coordinate
- minus
- normal
- partitioned-poly-contains?
- partitioned-poly-intersects?
- plus*
- poly-contains?
- positive-side?
- region-bounding-box
- region-contains?
- region-edges
- single-poly-contains?
- split-edge
Provides common interfaces for working with spatial objects and geodesics. All units are in meters/radians/steradians unless otherwise specified. Provides static spatial contexts for the earth, and some constants like the earth's radii and circumferences, along with points like the poles.
Public variables and functions:
- area
- area-in-square-degrees
- bounding-box
- center
- circle
- crosses-dateline?
- degrees->radians
- dist-at-idx
- distance
- distance->radians
- distance-at-point->radians
- distance-in-degrees
- earth
- earth-equatorial-circumference
- earth-equatorial-radius
- earth-equatorial-radius-squared
- earth-mean-circumference
- earth-mean-radius
- earth-meridional-circumference
- earth-polar-radius
- earth-polar-radius-squared
- earth-radius
- geohash-point
- h3-point
- height
- intersects?
- jts-earth
- jts-point
- length
- north-pole
- Point
- point
- point-between
- radians->degrees
- radians->distance
- rand-point-in-radius
- relate
- resegment
- Shapelike
- south-pole
- spatial4j-point
- square
- square-degree-in-steradians
- square-degrees->steradians
- steradians->area
- vincenty-distance-calculator
- width
- within-dist?